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Eu me apaixonei pela praticidade, regulagem de altura do fundo e ajuste de altura do posicionador, é prático e muito versátil.

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Bel Ferreira

We are passionate about Arte Brasil products ♥ Affection during service and care with the packaging, the pieces are wonderful, very well crafted and practical. Definitely the best company in Brazil in newborn props We recommend to everyone.

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Estúdio Roni Sanches

The Arte Brasil positioner changed my life and my quality of life, I recommend it with my eyes closed, because Newborn is an essay that needs a lot of dedication and attention to every detail.

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Dani Nicolini

I am Magali Tinti French photographer for 13 years and trainer for 8 years. I have been using the artebrasil stand since January 2020 and I love it. it has a good height which allows me to work seated without back pain and to shoot standing with good posture. Its size is perfect (not too big and not too small). It is robust without being too heavy and it is not bulky. I really like my booth.

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Magali Tinti

I fell in love with the practicality, height adjustment of the bottom and height adjustment of the positioner, it is practical and very versatile.

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Bel Ferreira

Sou Magali Tinti fotógrafa francesa há 13 anos e ministro WS newborn há 8 anos. Uso o Stand da Arte Brasil desde janeiro de 2020 e adoro. Tem uma boa altura que me permite trabalhar sentada sem dores nas costas e fotografar em pé com boa postura. Seu tamanho é perfeito (nem muito grande e nem muito pequeno). É robusto sem ser muito pesado e não é volumoso. Eu realmente gosto do meu Stand.

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Magali Tinti